BIN/IIN check service
Issuer Identification Number (IIN) or Bank Identification Number (BIN) - the first 6 digits of a credit card. These figures make it possible to know which bank issued credit card.

What is a BIN/ IIN?
Issuer Identification Number (IIN) or Bank Identification Number (BIN) - the first 6 digits of a credit card.
BIN is used to identify the bank in payment systems.
BIN is used to determine the type of your card (credit or debit), the level of premium cards (Electron, Classic, Gold and so on), the country and the organization where it is issued.
Read more about why check BIN read our article.
How can I check my card BIN?
To check the BIN, enter the first 6 digits of the card number into the search box at the top of the screen. Wait for the search result and select a card from the displayed list.